Thursday, February 19, 2009

South Memorabilia

If anyone has any high school snap shots of friends or any special events, I'll be more than happy to post on here. Just shoot me an email to the yahoo address. It's funny to think that when we were in high school, the camera and computer technology was almost insignificant in our lives. I didn't have an email address until college! hah! or a cell phone! How about you?

Anyway, we will be collecting SGP memorabilia for the reunion...using it for Saturday on display. For example, mums, letter jackets, uniforms, megaphones, T-shirts....etc. If you happen to run across any of these in your storage, hang on to it. THANKS!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hey '99 grads!

Just a quick reunion update...

We hope to use this blog as a way to get info out to you guys as well as your personal email addresses. This is the fastest and easiest. We all live very hectic lives, so I will do my very best to communicate the details and info to you.

As of now, the reunion is tentatively scheduled for the month of October. Friday night's homecoming game will start the fun and festivities following an after party at Beto's in GP. Saturday's main event will hopefully take place at Lonestar Park in the grand ballroom while live horse racing will entertain us for the evening. Anything is subject to change at this point.

Your committee members are:
Stephanie Christopher (Rosiles)
Kendra Barreda (Fetter)
Erica Dunkley
Jessica Avery

If anyone is interested in helping out at the reunion for set up and check in, just let one of us know. I will be tied up for a couple of months...I'm due for baby #2 on March I will try to get as much done before then. Right now, just spread the word, so I can get as many contacts as possible. We are waiting for the '09 football schedule to be released.

Stay tuned for more details.
